Today I Made My First Reconciliation
By Dianne Ahern
Today I Made My First Reconciliation, is both a storybook and a keepsake book written to help children, their friends, and their family to love and practice this Sacrament.
Best friends Maria and Riley just seem to get deeper and deeper into trouble after they accidentally break a window then lie to their parents about it. Their guilt makes them shy away from their parentsÂ’ love and causes lots of discomfort. As they search for relief they learn from parish priests, teachers, and family members about sin, repentance, forgiveness, GodÂ’s grace, reconciliation, and absolution.
A Guide to the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation appears in the middle of the book. This helpful guide includes information on reconciliation rooms, the Commandments, examination of conscience, prayers, scriptural references, and instruction on how to confess.
Memories of My First Reconciliation provides space to describe this special day and the importance of this sacrament.
Hardcover, 2004
Children’s Books