The Lady of all Nations Who Once was Mary – Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate
By Peter Klos, SSS
The many apparitions of Mary during the last 150 years tell us we are at the pinnacle of the Era of Mary. In Fatima, Mary predicted the final victory of Her Immaculate Heart. The full truth of Mary’s role in God’s plan for Salvation will be defined in the last Marian Dogma, in which Mary will be proclaimed as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate for the People of God. This book is meant to be in support of this Dogma and to act as a layman’s guide to Mary’s expanding role in the Church.  Fr. Peter Josef Kos was born in Amsterdam. He is a parish priest and a member of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. He has studied in Amsterdam, Heeflen and at the Catholic University of Louvaine, where he earned his degree in Theology.
Paperback 1998
Blessed Mother