The Domestic Church: Room by Room – A Study Guide for Mothers
By Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Pope John Paul II wrote that the “little domestic church, like the greater Church, needs to be constantly and intensely evangelized: hence its duty regarding permanent education in the faith.”
The home is a center of living faith, a domestic church, and motherhood is a vocation. This book offers a systematic course for mothers that’s equally useful for groups and individuals. The leader’s guide contains helpful suggestions for women on how to begin a study group in their parish or neighborhood, a format for weekly sessions, how to create a comfortable, inspiring atmosphere, and tips for leading each lesson..
The Domestic Church is so much more than a mother’s study guide for women who want to deepen their understanding of their vocations. It is an exploration of Catholic teaching as it relates to our roles as women, wives, mothers, and citizens of the world at large. Referring back to Scripture, papal encyclicals, apostolic letters, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the words of the great saints, Donna weaves together the life story of every Catholic woman, regardless of her age, background, family situation, or career choice. Through stories from her own life, including the personal friendship she shared with Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Donna demystifies the domestic church, offering concrete ways to find joy and spiritual fulfillment in the nitty-gritty, humble work of our daily lives. –Mary DeTurris Poust, Our Sunday Visitor
Softcover, 2008
Family Life Topics