Supernatural Joy – A Born-Again Catholic’s Passion for Jesus
By Valli Leone
One thing the world seems to lack these days is authentic joy. Christians and non-Christians alike have succumbed to the world’s values and morality, accepting counterfeit temporary pleasures to satisfy their hungry hearts. By doing so, weakness and guilt set in; and many are forfeiting the abundant life of joy, which our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died and resurrected for. He told us upon his leaving that, like a woman in labor, we would grieve for a while but that soon our grief would be turned to joy. Joy, like love, is a daily decision one makes when the supernatural grace of God is poured into one’s heart through baptism of the Holy Spirit. In the midst of trials, testing and temptations each of us is invited and called to rejoice always and to take the gift of joy to others in the world. When we seek the Lord with all our hearts and commit our ways to him, strength follows; we become radiant with joy for Him and willing to do whatever He tells us. This supernatural joy no one and nothing can steal. As we open our hearts to new revelation and to revival of our weary souls, we come to realize that each and every day the Lord has new and wonderful treasures of faith for us to share at every stage of our lives’ journeys. Until we see Him face to face, there’s always more!
Paperback 2009
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