Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence – Featuring the Letters of Fr. de Caussade on the Practice of Self-Abandonment
By Fr. J. P. de Caussade, SJ
Probably the greatest classic on surrendering our wills to Divine Providence (God’s will). Filled with beautiful, penetrating insights, an incredibly rich store of Catholic wisdom. Shows how sanctity is to be attained amidst our common daily activities when performed to perfection and for the love of God. Written to help those who despair of ever becoming holy. A great and famous classic!
Author, Father Jean-Pierre de Caussade was born at Cahors, France in 1675. He is commonly recognized for his instructional letters to the Nuns of the Visitation, whom he served as a spiritual director for seven years. In addition, he spent some time preaching in southern and central France, as well as serving as a theological student director in Toulouse. Jean-Pierre also served as a college rector. He died on December 8, 1751.
Paperback, 2012
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