Saints of the Americas
By Rev. Jude Winkler, OFM
Lives of fifteen Saints from North America, Central America, and South America.
The Faith Arrives in America ….. St. Juan Diego …… St. Rose of Lima and St. Martin de Porres……..    St. Peter Claver… St. Isaac Jogues.. St. Kateri Tekakwitha… St. JunÃpero Serra ……St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. Miguel Cordero…… St. John Neumann ….. St. Mariana of Quito….. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini …….  Bl. Marie Rose Durocher….. St. Katharine Drexel ….. Bl. Miguel AgustÃn Pro ….. A Land of Saints……..
Softcover, 2006
Children’s Saint Books