Raising a Good Kid (Chances are you’re doing just fine)
By John F. Smith
Raising teens seems tougher than ever. They don’t come with an owner’s manual and the challenges and pressures they face are different from those we had to cope with. But, as John F. Smith says in this book, parents do have resources-things we intuitively and intelligently know. A seasoned educator and parent, he urges parents to step back from a fear-based approach to raising teens and to develop an appreciation of how their teens are already “good kids”-and how they are already good parents. While recognizing the need for discipline, his approach encourages parents always to keep the bigger picture in mind and to provide both the structure and the freedom that kids need to learn how to become responsible and independent adults. This is not a “how-to” or “what you’re doing wrong” book, but rather a reassuring, confidence-builder which addresses the issues parents are most concerned about-character, achievement, school, sexuality, and faith.
Softcover, 2002
Family Life Topics