Book of Kells Cross
Book of Kells Cross – 202
The design for this cross uses four elements from the ancient manuscript, the Book of Kells. The early Christian Celtic people of Ireland would attach strong or powerful animal (spirits) to their important people. In this case, the animals represent the four gospel writers – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Matthew symbolized by an angel, Mark a lion, Luke a calf and John an eagle. In the center of the cross is the symbol of the light or the light of the world. Each of the four is holding a rod which connects them to the Light, or Christ. The rods also serve as a conduit symbol for the Grace of God to flow down to each of the evangelists. The four raised bosses, one on each arm are ancient sun symbols, once again the symbolizing the light of the world.
Co. Meath, Ireland
7” x 7”
Irish Gifts