Between You and Me, Making a Loving Choice: Adoption
By Lori A. Hogg, Illustrated by Mary Ann C. Piazza
For all those desperately seeking simplicity in a book about the beauty of adoption and God’s supreme plan for the sacredness of each uniquely created life, “Between You and Me” will be treasured as a one-of-a-kind Christian resource. It is an easy read that affirms the message to respect all life; born, unborn, and adopted. Author Lori Hogg takes you into a touching conversation you won’t forget. Dawn Iacono, Director of Pro-Life, Buffalo Diocese. Editor’s note: This book also includes an excellent resource section featuring an extensive glossary, numerous website and pro-life organization information, and a flowchart that aids in the understanding of the adoption process.
Softcover, 2007
Family Life Topics