Behold the Lamb of God, Intercessions and Reflections Based on Liturgical Seasons
By Kathleen Beckman
Most Reverend Aux. Bishop Dominic Luong, D.D., M.S.:
In her new book Kathleen presents the Church’s liturgical seasons as the background to Eucharistic intercession. Each reflection is solidly grounded in Scripture and the Catechism making this book timeless and invaluable. Highly recommended!
Immaculee Ilibagiza, author, Left Behind to Tell, Our Lady of Kibeho:
Kathleen’s new book inspires us to live an intensely Eucharistic life of intercessory prayer. It can be used as a “school of prayer “. The reader will be drawn to a new level of intimacy with the Lamb of God in the Eucharist. This book is a fountain of Eucharistic life. Read and be blessed! Fr. Kevin J. Scallon, C.M., Director of Intercession for Priests & Magnificat, Author:
In her book, Kathleen leads us to the places where Jesus can be found, namely in the many facets of Eucharistic spirituality and mysticism. The book is a treasure trove of inspired meditations, which will enrich the lives of all who read it.
Fr. John Hampsch, C.M.F, Who’s Who in Religion, Author:
These reflections provide currents of insight in a grace-flow of love that will captivate the heart of any reader who yearns for closeness with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
Johnnette Benkovic, host of EWTN’s Abundant Life TV Program; Women of Grace:
Those who use Kathleen’s book throughout the liturgical year will find themselves growing ever more deeply in love with the One who gives Himself to us in the “breaking of the bread “. I was personally inspired, edified and enriched by the holy sojourn this book offers.
Barbara McGuigan, Host of EWTN’s: Voices of Virtue; Open Line; the Good Fight:
Behold the Lamb of God is a masterful work! Kathleen ‘s reflections became celestial music to my ears, tears of joy to my eyes, solace to my broken heart, healing balm to my soul, profound knowledge and inspiration for my mind and boundless hope to my spirit!
Fr. Raymond Skonezny, S.T.L., S.S.L.:
This is a superb book replete with Eucharistic reflections on building a Culture of Life from within the heart of the believer. Truly inspired!
Fr. Stephen Doktorczyk, J.C.L., Canon Lawyer:
This Eucharistic Compendium will be a great spiritual aid to every person who will read it. The fruit of extensive research and nineteen years in front of the Blessed Sacrament, Kathleen presents the Church with a beautiful source of meditative material to augment the universal call to holiness.
Fr. Robert Young, O.F.M., Director, Magnificat Tallahassee:
In Kathleen’s profound love for the Holy Eucharist, she reveals an equally profound love for the Priesthood of Jesus, which is manifest in her ministry to ordained priests across the country and the world.
Fr. James Kubicki, S.J., National Director of the Apostleship of Prayer:
In Novo Millennio Ineunte, JPII wrote that those who don’t go deeper into their prayer lives are not going to be mediocre Christians but Christians at risk. Praying with this book will help Catholics avoid the risk! Kathleen has written an essential textbook for a genuine school of prayer.
Paperback, 2009
Eucharist and Prayer