Emmanuel: A Christmas Feast Devotional
By Laura Kelly Fanucci
Celebrating a Merry Catholic Christmas season is a pleasure. We welcome you to celebrate Christmas with the Universal Church and the Blessed is She community by reading Laura Kelly Fanucci’s Emmanuel: A Christmas feast. Throughout the Christmas season, it’s the appropriate approach to learn more about who Jesus is. This lovely hardcover book with beautiful pictures will be valued by you and your loved ones year after year. You will be given twenty-three names of Jesus to research. Every day throughout the Christmas season, feast day themes are also given, which use all five senses to properly integrate this festive season into our lives. The same rhythm is followed every day during the Christmas season, from Christmas to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord: A carefully selected Scripture passage that celebrates a different name for Jesus, An original daily prayer A reflection on this name.
Hardcover 9.5″ x 11.5″, 2020