ORTHOSCOPY – Clear Vision To See What We Ought To Do
By Joseph Hulway
Does our society have only fifty years left in its existence? While some spread doom and gloom claiming that our civilization is about to come to an end, Deacon Joe Hulway presents a more positive outlook in his first work, Orthoscopy. He maintains that we are merely stuck in a painful adolescent stage of societal development, that many of our problems result because we prefer to act like teenagers and not adults. It is a time of rebellion and can be one of great danger unless we clear our vision to see the paths that lead to maturity. The author draws upon his life experiences as a parent, an engineer, a manager, an ordained minister, and a youth leader to offer reflections to guide you to have clearer vision for finding the truth. He demonstrates the value of faith, encourages us all to be philosophers, points out the dangers of applying labels to ourselves and to others, and examines the value of asking good questions. It is not a book about religion, but is one that presupposes a belief in God. Searching readers of all faiths will benefit from this book as Orthoscopy leads them to determine what they ought to do, not just what they want to do.
About the Author
Softcover, 2010
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