Unplanned, The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader’s Eye-Opening Journey Across the Life Line
By Abby Johnson with Cindy Lambert
A new, movie-tie in edition of the best-selling book that made national news and shocked the pro-abortion establishment when Abby Johnson, manager of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic and rising star in the industry, suddenly announced she had a conversion on the life issue and was leaving that culture of death.
Now a major motion picture in theaters March, 2019, this updated edition of the powerful story includes a new Preface and Epilogue covering the latest events in Abby’s journey, in the news, and in changing legislation . . . and revealing the impact Abby’s story has had in the most surprising places.
It tells a heart stopping personal drama of life-and-death encounters, a courtroom battle, and spiritual transformation that speaks hope and compassion into the political controversy that surrounds this issue. Revealing Abby’s story from both sides of the abortion clinic property line, this is a must-read for anyone who cares about the life versus rights debate and helping women who face crisis pregnancies.
“Beautifully written, intimate and honest. A wonderful portrait of the power of truth and grace working in the human heart.”
+ Archbishop Charles Chaput
“This remarkable book is destined to reshape the culture of death into a culture of love, life and hope in Christ the Lord . . . it’s a life-changer!”
– Judie Brown, President, American Life League Inc.
“The moving true story of the shocking truth of abortion and how God’s love transformed Abby’s life.”Â
– Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR
“Abby Johnson is one of the bravest women I know. Once she realized the truth, Abby had the courage to leave the abortion industry and become a powerful voice for the defenseless. Her inspiring story challenges us to face the truth about the abortion industry and its many victims.”
– Lila Rose, President, Live Action
“Abby walked out of the abortion industry and came into my office just next door. After seeing her transformation from running a Planned Parenthood to joining our efforts to help women and save lives, I believe that ANYONE can change their mind on abortion.”Â
– Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life
“Abby Johnson’s journey from Planned Parenthood insider to pro-life activist is a powerful witness to the tireless efforts and prayers of those working on the frontlines in this culture of death so prevalent in our world today. ”Â
-Teresa Tomeo, Syndicated Catholic Talk-Host
“A compellingly candid story! Not argument or ideology but first-person facts and utterly honest feelings.”
-Peter Kreeft, Author, Three Approaches to Abortion
“This is the remarkable story of how one director of a Planned Parenthood abortion center came to realize that truth – and what she did about it.”  Â
– Eduardo Verastegui, Star of Bella
“Abby Johnson’s story is one of great moral courage in an age that groans for lack of it. Hers is a modern parable of hope for us all, witnessing to the truth that sets the human heart free.”
-Marjorie Dannenfelser, Susan B. Anthony List
Abby Johnson holds a B.S. in psychology from Texas A&M University and an M.A. in counseling from Sam Houston State University. She was hired by Planned Parenthood in 2005 and progressed to the position of community services director and health educator, where she served as liason between the community and Planned Parenthood as media correspondent. Later promoted to heath center director, Johnson ran both the family planning and abortion programs. In 2009 she left Planned Parenthood and joined the local Coalition for Life as a volunteer. She continues her volunteer activities and now works on projects with the national 40 Days for Life campaign. She and her husband, Doug, have a young daughter and live in Texas.
Paperback, 2018