No More Orphans! Possessing Your Inheritance in Christ
By Maria Vadia
It’s time to wake up! We are not orphans but sons and daughters of the most high God!
The kingdom of God is a kingdom of power and glory, and we need to manifest this to a lost world. As you read No More Orphans! by Maria Vadia you will understand there is a plan and purpose for God’s people on this side of eternity: it is to extend His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, to enforce the victory of Calvary over the enemy; to proclaim and demonstrate the power of the gospel of the kingdom so that a lost humanity can repent and turn to Jesus for Salvation! There needs to be a transformation in our thinking so we can experience breakthroughs in our lives, in our families and in our nation. Now is the time to break away from the “orphan spirit” that has kept you bound and held you back from your destiny in Christ!
Paperback 2013